The Cause for The Calves farm project requires the community's participation to continue to help fund the ethical care that we provide to the calves: veterinary care, vitamins and supplements, 100% whole warm milk fresh from the dairy, highest quality pelletized grain mixture, oaten hay and clean rainwater.

Our farm is in the southwest Western Australia and is not the owner or the operator of the dairy, we are not animal activists. We are people who raise these unwanted bull calves, help abandoned calves and other farm animals, we are passionate about the care and wellbeing of the calves and about doing our small part in making the dairy industry more ethical.

All calves on our farm are treated with highest possible ethical and respectful care.

By simply transacting Calf Token you are helping me to support and rear the Bull and abandoned calves, please read the whitepaper for specific information how.

Please join Cause for the Calves Discord to earn Calf Token just for participating